Liza Rose

Sunday, 3 May 2020

So, I have done it. I have released my cover for Alien a la Carte. No going back now... onward and upward my friends. For your delight and delectation here it is in all its glory:

I will of course now need to do the very final edit on the book before I format for publishing - and I'm in a quandary. I have a lovely quote, but I need permission to use it. Will the owner of that quote give me permission. Its looking less and less likely.

The worst part is, its not the author I have to ask, who in this case might be obliging, but the copyright holder who is quite rightly protective of their property.

Or... I could find a new quotation ... or I could remove the quotation altogether... decisions, decisions.
But for this one last choice, I have completed Alien a la Carte and look forward to sharing the release with you any day now.

For more information on all things Alien a la Carte, check in with

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